Healthplex Chiropractic


What to Expect

Your First Visit

During the initial visit your chiropractor will take a detailed health history and perform a physical examination particularly focusing on your spine, joints, muscles, and nervous system. After the thorough case history and physical examination, if chiropractic treatment is considered appropriate, your chiropractor will determine an appropriate plan of management. This plan may include soft tissue therapy, mobilization, spinal and/or extremity joint manipulation, lifestyle and nutritional advice, supplementation, stretches and/or self-care advice, all aimed at improving recovery and quality of life. Your treatment plan may incorporate a variety of chiropractic treatment techniques including:

  • Hands on adjustments - diversified technique
  • Muscle release techniques
  • Drop piece adjustment - Thompson technique
  • Hand held instrument adjustment - Activator Methods

If your chiropractor diagnosis a condition that would be appropriately treated or co-treated by another health care professional, he or she will make the appropriate referrals. These referrals may include diagnostic x-rays and/or ultrasound, or if you require an assessment by an orthopedic or neurological specialist.

Follow up visits

During follow up visits your chiropractor may utilize one or more of the many different kinds of adjustments and manual care techniques used in chiropractic care. Your treatment will often include exercise, diet and other healthy living suggestions.